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How To Establish Rapport With Any Customer For Salespeople: Principles To Build Instant And Strong Rapport (ERC 800)

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As you know, there are seven steps in the Sales Process:

1) Prospecting: identifying potential customers

2) Establishing Rapport: is about highlighting common interests and establishing a mutual feeling of friendliness

3) Identifying Needs: Why the customer will buy your products

4) Presenting your Product: What are the reasons to buy your products

5) Overcoming Objections: Making sure your customer knows what they are buying

6) Closing Sales: Terms and Conditions agreed Money Exchanged

7) Getting Repeat Sales and Referrals: The wealth of any sales transaction... Repeatability!

If you want more learning about prospecting, identifying needs, making powerful presentation, overcoming objections, closing sales, getting repeat sales and referrals, that little book is not the place to come.

But if you mostly want to establish strong rapport at the first minute of the first meeting with any Customer, Client, or Patient, you'll like this book just fine.

Because it gives you a straight shortcut to establish strong rapport at the first minute of the first meeting with any Customer, Client, or Patient.

Have you ever wondered why you were able to get that sense of affinity at the very first meeting with one Customer, Client, or Patient, while with another one, even after several meetings, that sense of affinity was still missing?

Well it’s because of some secrets you will find out in this book. In fact, you are about to uncover...

- Why you easily get a strong affinity with one Customer, Client, or Patient

- Why that affinity is missing with another one

- Why willpower or persistence cannot enable to get that affinity

- How 1 Invisible Force totally governs the ability to get that affinity

- How you can master this force, and get a solid affinity at the first minute of the first meeting with any Customer, Client, or Patient

- And much, much more!

If you've ever struggled on your path to get a strong affinity with any Customer, Client, or Patient, this guide will give THE ANSWER you're looking for.

Be empowered to apply what you learn…and establish solid rapport at the first minute of the first meeting with any Customer, Client, or Patient.

And get ready to be transformed by THE SECRET to establish instant and strong rapport with any Customer, Client, or Patient.

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Now — You'll Be The Envy of Your Amazed Buddies When You Establish Rapport With ANY Customer, Client, Or Patient

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How To Establish Rapport With Any Customer For Salespeople: Principles To Build Instant And Strong Rapport (ERC 800)

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